Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Other Side of Bali - Prelude

When you heard about Bali, first thing that would come out to your mind probably a beautiful island in Indonesia’s archipelago. But for the next post on this blog, I will try to show you the other side of it. I will try to show you some of the story that you would never see in the tourism advertisement. I will try to show you the reality that happens in Bali.

I hope when you read it, you will see Bali differently than you see today. And I hope this will help Bali to become the real paradise on earth once again.

Let's save Bali and let's start it today...

1 comment:

angel said...

a lot of people say that bali is a beautiful island, for me bali will always beautiful 'cause bali always remembering me to all of wonderful people like my father, n a friend like all of u are.