Thursday, August 31, 2006

Only in Indonesia ...

Setelah selama 120 hari mendekam di tahanan Mabes Polri, Dirut PLN Eddie Widiono akhirnya bisa menghirup udara bebas. Di hari pertama kebebasannya, Eddie langsung ngantor.

After being held for 120 days in the police headquarters, the director of PLN, Indonesia's national (sole) electric company, Eddie Widiono, finally can breathe the air of freedom. At the first day of his freedom, Eddie went directly to his office.
You'll never believe what could happen in Indonesia. A national company run by a criminal? That's not a new story here. Where in this world, can you find a criminal run the house of representative? Only in Indonesia ...

Unbelievable. What would you expect if a house controlled by a criminal? A nice guy who care with people who vote him during the election? Not in your wildest dream mate. You will always get a bunch of criminal too, maybe not all of them but most of them will.

If he is being dishonest, so why should I?

If he get a lot of dirty money, so why can't I?

Where can you find it all? Only in Indonesia ...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Another Tale Of Kampret Roy Suryo

After missing for quite a while, he is back again with his old habits of saying nonsense thing. This time he talks about Juwono Sudarsono’s blog-type personal website. This is the news that I found in Jawa Pos. I got the link from Enda Nasution's Blog. I try to translate it (sorry if the English is not good enough).

Pakar telematika Roy Suryo mengkritik pemilihan domain (nama) website Menhan tersebut. "Kalau belakangnya pakai com, itu perusahaan, ada kepentingan bisnis atau komersialnya. Karena itulah, kita tidak menggunakan ekstensi com untuk website presiden," ujar anggota tim khusus pengelola website kepresidenan itu.

Telematic expert, Roy Suryo, criticizes the Minister of Defense’s website name. “If a website ends with a .com, then it would be a company and there is a business and commercial interest involve in it. That’s why we don’t use the .com for the president’s website”, said by member’s of a special team to maintain the president’s website.

Lebih lanjut, Roy meminta Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi Sofyan Djalil untuk mengingatkan koleganya. "Itu tugas Pak Sofyan untuk segera mengingatkan beliau," katanya.

Furthermore, Roy asks the minister of communication and Information, Sofyan Djalil to remind his colleague. “It’s Mr. Sofyan duty to remind him”, said by Roy.
Menurut Roy, dalam dunia maya, sudah ada klasifikasi di balik pemilihan domain. Dijelaskan, jika website didesain resmi untuk informasi kenegaraan, menggunakan ekstensi domain, misalnya www. yang dipakai Departemen Luar Negeri. Untuk kepentingan pendidikan, lazimnya menggunakan ekstensi domain edu di belakang nama situs. "Jangan salah kaprah," tegasnya.
According to Roy, in the digital world, there are classifications for the domain selection. He explain that if a website was officially design for a civil or state information, then the domain should be, for example www.deplu.go.od which is used by the Department of Foreign Affair. For an education purpose usually the domain would be .edu. “Don’t get it wrong”, claimed by Roy Suryo.
Pria bergelar Kanjeng Raden Mas Tumenggung itu juga mengkritik model blog yang digunakan dalam situs Menhan. "Itu kan tidak resmi, sepatutnya sebagai pejabat publik harus menampilkan citra yang baik, termasuk dalam berkomunikasi melalui internet," ujarnya.
The man who has title Kanjeng Raden Mas Tummenggung also criticizes the blog-type which is used in the minister of defense website. “It’s an unofficial website. So, as a public servant he should be showing a good image, especially when communicating through the Internet”, said by Roy.
At the first he talks about the domain selection but in the end he talks about some good image as a public servant. What is your point mister expert in telematic. What a stupid idoiot.

Roy, please stop talking nonsense thing like this one. It’s just going to make you look like a stupid idiot in front of public. It’s a personal website, so it’s non of your business whether he use .com, .net or maybe .org. Please read this Wiki if you don't trust me. It’s all there:
The .com, .net, and .org gTLDs, despite their original different uses, are now in practice open for use by anybody for any purpose.
So please think before you made any kind of comment and do get yourself a references. There are lots of reading materials in the Internet. Well then, still thinking of you as an expert in telematic? What a big bollocks he is …

You can read about this guy everywhere in the Internet. Or you can stop at the Wiki about him, but it’s not in English.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

War Is Not An Answer

"There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for"

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

I don't understand what is going on the Middle East right now. What is the Israel looking for? Why do people choose war as an answer of the problem? Human life is like a piece of shit in the war. Don’t have a price at all. If you meet your enemy than kill them. It’s just as simple as that.

Don’t they understand that we come from the same mother? We all are brothers. We have the same blood. Though we come from different race, different culture, and different religion. Human makes all of the different, while for the almighty God we all are equal.

So why couldn’t we live together in peace. Live side by side, helping each other. Live in peace and harmony.

Please stop the war because war is not the answer for any kind of problem. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. You aren’t going to get a thing through war and violence. Always use love and compassion when handling everything.

The earth is crying when they see us killing each other. Can you hear it?

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?"

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi