Friday, February 15, 2008

Moved ...

Hahahahahahahaha ...
Saya pindah rumah saja ah ...
Silakan cari saya di

I'm moving out ...
You can reach me at

Cenk Blonk Baru ...

Cenk: Yen bindan ci baanga mitis biin ken Bhatara Siwa ke Mercapada, dadi apa nyet ci e?
Blonk: Dadi sampi
Cenk: Ngudiang dadi sampi? Kan dadi manusia lebih bagus. Yen dadi manusia ngelah bayu, sabda, idep. Ngelah pikiran.
Blonk: Ah luungan dadi sampi. Yen dadi manusa, apin ngelah idep nak keweh. Be ngelah pipis biin blanjaang, biin telah, biin alih. Uyeng - uyengan uyak e. Idup olaha teken pis. Yen dadi sampi aluh. Amah padang gen, betek basange pules. Mikirin meli hp, sing
Cenk: Dadi sampi?
Blonk: Ae. Meli sepeda motor, sing. Aman idupe
Cenk: Sampi to kan lacur?
Blonk: Pe lacur?
Cenk: Metegul di bada
Blonk: Madak pang tegula. Wak e tegula nak semengan baina ngamah, baina yeh. Meju, kanti tain wak e garukina. Kan aman. Manusa e dadi pembantun wak e

One of many things that I miss from Bali is Cenk Blonk puppet show (Wayang Cenk Blonk). I really – really love this show, I’m a huge fans of Cenk Blonk. You can call me old fashioned for loving traditional puppet show, but this show really – really rocks. If someone told me to choose between Lindsay Lohan and Wayang Cenk Blonk, I would definitely choose Wayang Cenk Blonk hahahaha …

And today, my friend, Guru Wewe, told me that my other friend, Bli Kadek, have put the latest Cenk Blonk in his blog. Bli Beni actually told me about it a few days ago, but I was unaware of it because I thought it was going to be the same Cenk Blonk with the one tha I already have. And knowing it’s a new one makes me very - very happy and I’m listening to it right now. Yes, I’m listening not watching it. Uploading the entire 3 CD content will be one heck of a job. That’s why mp3 is good enough for me. Even though it’s just in form of mp3, I still can enjoy the show.

I can’t wait to watch the VCD version :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

In The Name of Solidarity and Freedom of Expression

Last night I got one interesting email from Bung Antonemus through the Bali Blogger Community mailing list. The email was about a writer, Bung Bersihar Lubis, who are being sued for his critic to the Depok District Attorney. Bung Bersihar Lubis, through his writing openly criticize the government for allegedly prohibiting and burning history book which doesn’t cite or put the word “PKI” after the word “Gerakan 30 September (G30S) 1965”. Deputy General Attorney, Muchtar Arifin, said that criticizing the government for prohibiting and burning those books is categorized as an act of reversing the history fact.

While on the other hand, Bung Bersihar Lubis argued that citing and putting “PKI” will become an unscientific move because the involvement of PKI during the 1965 coup itself is still in doubt. Current history that are written in history books and taught in schools are solely based on the government version without the involvement of many great Indonesian historians such as Asvi Warman Adam, Anhar Gonggong, etc. He later on said, which are taken from Benedetto Croce words, every true story is contemporary history. Truth is a relative thing. It can right at a certain period and it can be wrong at another time. History is an illustration of the past, but it is not precisely depict the past. But, he continued, monopolizing the truth of history are absurd.


I really love Bung Bersihar point of view. Monopolizing the truth of history is absurd, then taking advantage of the monopoly even more absurd. This is what happens in Indonesia. Everything must get along with the government policy, or should I say the Suhartoisme policy. If things don’t get along, then it must be an act of subversives, an attempt to coup, or an attempt to reversing the history. If these acts of stigmatization keep on happening, what’s the point of shouting that Indonesia is a country that highly respect the human right and a country that based on law (at least, this is what the teacher taught me in school)? What’s the point of shouting that Indonesia is a democratic country if the citizens don’t have the right to make a fair judgment about an event? Is it just a lip service to make everything stay in order? To make people feel as if they live in wonderland? Wake up and smell the coffee, Mr. Deputy General Attorney.

Seems that there so many thing that these people need to learn. So please, could you really – really studying something if you have to do a study tour, not just do shopping with your wife. But first of all, learn to have a big heart when criticize. Does the White House sue them for this video?

To all blogger, let’s unite against this type of stigmatization.

Kebebasan informasi dan berekspresi adalah hak asasi.
Karena itu, kami menolak penyeragaman informasi.
Mai ngeblog apang sing belog!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ngiring Ngelawar ...

Bali Blogger Community Launching

First of all, I would like to congratulate Bali Blogger Community which was officially launched last Saturday. From the invitation in my last post, you’ll understand that this event will be very fun. Everybody was so excited anticipating the launching. Too bad I can’t come and see it with my own eyes. Just see it through some pictures, read some stories from and chat with member of the Bali Blogger Community members. Hopefully, next time I will have the chance to meet members of the community.

Gerang Balinese Traditional Food

While everyone come to the launching ceremony enjoying "gerang meterik" made by Bu Lode, the wife of Pak Antonemus, I was having fun myself in my apartment. I was making lawar (again). Last time when I tried to make lawar, I was only using ground pork and green beans. This time, I have the long beans and pork skin. Yes, it’s pork skin, Balinese more familiar with the term “rames”. Everyone feast your eyes with the one and only LAWAR …

Lawar Balinese Traditional Food

Friday, February 08, 2008

Undangan Launching Bali Blogger Community

Bali Blogger Community Launching Invitation

Semeton Belogger yth,

Setelah tertunda bulan lalu, akhirnya kita akan launching komunitas blogger Bali, Bali Blogger Community (BBC) juga bulan ini.

Launching ini sebagai bagian dari kampanye kita untuk mengenalkan blog pada masyarakat, sekaligus mengenalkan BBC. Karena itu, mengundang dengan hangat pada semeton belogger Bali untuk hadir pada Launching BBC yang akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari/Tanggal: Minggu/10 Februari 2008
Waktu: Pukul 16.00 s/d 19.00
Tempat: Popo Danes Art Veranda Jl Hayam Wuruk 159 Tanjung Bungkak Denpasar

Selain launching resmi BBC dan website, juga ada acara bebas seperti makan malam, bagi-bagi doorprize, dan seterusnya. Jadi jelas rugi kalau tidak datang. Oya, ada kaos BBC pula untuk yang datang. Tapi kaosnya tidak gratis.

Untuk hadir pada launching ini, semeton belogger tidak perlu bayar apa pun alias gratis, tis. Namun, untuk kepentingan teknis, mohon untuk konfirmasi ke Made Yanuar di 08155734998/ atau Luh De di 08123986124/ Bisa juga telepon ke flexi 7989495. Konfirmasi paling telat pada Jumat, 8 Februari 2008 pukul 18.00 Wita.

Demikian undangan ini. Semoga semeton belogger sareng sinami berkenan untuk hadir. Mohon bantuannya juga untuk memasang undangan ini di blog semeton belogger Bali sekalian agar makin banyak blogger Bali yang hadir.

Terima kasih,

Panitia Launching


Tata Krama Toko dan Restoran

Dagang Acung: Sir, buy sir. Cheap sir, very cheap. (Pedagang acung menawarkan barangnya kepada tourist di Bali).

Today, I want to write thing that are not related to my previous post. For tourist, these are somewhat annoying thing. The following are some etiquette that I’ve seen and practiced by people here. I personally really like it and hoping we can do this in our daily life. The following conversation usually occurs when you entered a store. SR is the sales representative and S represents a bunch of shopper.

SR: Hello guys, how are you today?
S: Oh good, thanks. How about you?
SR: I’m doing great today, thank you. Is there anything I can do to help you today?
S: Oh no, we are just looking around.
SR: Ok, just let me know if you need anything.
S: Ok.

The sales representative then leaves the shopper to wonder around looking at stuff in the store. Here, sales representatives are very friendly and helpful. With a big smile in their face they welcome and help the customer. They don’t care whether the customers are really going to buy some stuff or just window shopping, they serve the customers equally.

When you want to pay for all the items that you want to buy, this is the conversation that usually occurs. CS is the cashier and S still represents a bunch of shopper.

CS: How are you guys doing today?
S: Not bad, thanks, and you?
CS: I’m good, thank you. Do you find anything you need in the store today?
S: O yeah, everything is ok.
CS: (After counting all the items) The total will be $xxx
S: (Prepare to slide credit card)
CS: Do you want to use credit or debit card?
S: Credit, please…
CS: Please slide the card and sign the receipt …
S: (Signing …)
CS: Do you want me to put the receipt in the bag?
S: Yes, please
CS: (Handing over the bag with all items in it) Here you go. Have a good day
S: Thank you. You too.

These are the thing that we must adopt. We must learn how to make shopping as convenience as possible in Bali for tourist if you really want to make living from tourism. Is there anybody willing to teach the “pedagang acungan” on how to do this?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Galungan and Kuningan di Negeri Orang

Wow, I never thought that I will get plenty of comments on my last blog entry. I got 11 on my blogspot post and got 6 on wordpress blog. Well, I know that 16 is not a big number, but that’s the biggest number hehehehe … So cheers to everyone who put comment on my last post. But, as Mr. Antonemus said in one of his blog entry, we write a blog because we loved to write and not because we are expecting many comments on our blog hehehehe …

Actually, I want to write a blog about the death of our beloved former president, H.M Soeharto I need to write this one correctly because someone in the Bali Blogger Community complained when I just use Soeharto (I still can’t stop laughing when I remember about that discussion hahahahahahaha … ). But, right now I realize that there is no point to write about him because it will be a very “heavy”, Sandy and Sam will complain like what they did before hehehehe ... and I might be accused of being not objective again (hint: hagnen atremus) hehehe … Moreover, the media hype with their praise to our beloved former president is not a match for my writing (hint: who own all those medias? hahahahaha … ).

Finally, actually Mr. Anton keeps on asking me to write, I decided to write about Galungan and Kuningan abroad hehehehehe … So, let’s start our story then. Galungan and Kuningan has always become a day that I always looking forward for. It’s a day where you spend your time with your entire family member. But this time I have to spend my Galungan and Kuningan day abroad, without my family and friends. A few days before Galungan, I already planned to make lawar, or at least something that looks like lawar to me hehehe … I planned to buy ground pork, some pork skin and pork ear, some pork liver and jackfruit. And don’t forget the spices, chilies, onion, garlic and black pepper. These are the only spices that I know their English name hehehe … I think the plan are perfect and I am looking forward to do it. Just go the Strip district, I know the name is kind of like xxx area but trust me it’s just a normal shopping area, and grab all those items from the Robert Wholey’s store and the Asian store.

Well, I can only make a plan but it seems that that the almighty God have other plan too. It was a freezing day, way too cold for me. I think it was 25°C below zero hahaha … I don’t think I can stand it if I have to stay outside waiting for the bus to go to strip district. And in the end, I decided to go to a nearby supermarket and buy ground pork. In this supermarket, you won’t find any jackfruit or long bean. So, I grab some green bean as a substitute hahaha … and went back to my apartment. In the end, I managed to finish my lawar and taste good, well not that good but not bad for an incomplete spices hahaha ... I just need to go through three more Galungan day and I’ll be home … Looking forward for that day :)

Happy Galungan and Kuningan to all :)