Monday, June 04, 2007

Is This Bali ...

Ulian medenengan mata sing terima
De, cakcak ndas ne, De ...

It's a part of a song from Nanoe Biroe, a local artist from Bali. The song basically tells us about how Balinese people can be so violence just because of a silly and unimportant stuff. In one of the line, he said that just because you stare someone in the eyes you can start a fight with the one you stare at.

An example of this type of incident happens on Sunday, June 4, 2007.

Taken from Balipost (
Warga Jalan Raya Pemogan, Denpasar Selatan, Minggu (3/6) dini hari kemarin digegerkan dengan adanya peristiwa bentrokan antardua kelompok pemuda. Akibat insiden itu, warga setempat sempat membunyikan kulkul bulus, karena salah satu pemuda dikeroyok hingga babak belur. Beruntung, polisi cepat datang ke lokasi kejadian sehingga situasi berhasil dikendalikan.

Informasi yang berhasil dikumpulkan di Polsek, peristiwa ini terjadi akibat kesalahpahaman semata. Di mana kelompok Desta diteriaki oleh kelompok Abdi saat melintas di depan Banjar Dukuh, Denpasar Selatan sekitar pukul 02.30 wita. Merasa ada yang meneriaki, Desta dkk. menghampiri kelompok Abdi yang sedang nongkrong di depan Banjar Dukuh. Tanpa basa-basi, Desta menantang Abdi untuk duel. Namun, saat itu Abdi tidak melayani tantangannya karena Desta membawa sebilah pedang.

Diketahui ada ribut-ribut di luar, warga setempat melerainya dan kelompok Desta pulang ke rumahnya. Sementara kelompok Abdi yang diduga pesta miras, masih nongkrong di Banjar Dukuh.

Rupanya tak sampai di sana. Sekitar pukul 03.30 wita, kelompok Desta kembali dengan mengendarai mobil kijang dan dua sepeda motor. Tanpa disengaja, mereka bertemu di depan Banjar Jabe Jati, namun Desta saat itu tidak ikut. Kelompok Abdi yang mengira akan diserang, justru duluan menyerang. Kelompok Desta yang tidak menduga akan diserang, lari tunggang-langgang. Namun, salah satu pemuda bernama Bayu berhasil dikejar oleh kelompok Abdi.

Tanpa pikir panjang, kelompok Abdi memukul dan menginjak-injak Bayu hingga babak belur. Warga yang melihat insiden itu, langsung membunyikan kulkul bulus sehingga kelompok Abdi kabur. Bayu yang tidak berdaya akhirnya selamat dari amukan kelompok Abdi.

The incident started when a group of youngster (Desta’s group) booed by another group of youngster (Abdi’s group). Desta’s group then approach Abdi’s group and challenge them for a duel
[Come on … just because of those silly stuff you want a duel …]

But Abdi group didn’t respond to it because Desta brought a sword with him
[WTF … just because of that silly stuff you brought a sword … are you planning to kill someone just because of it … do our live is as worthy as a … arrrrrgghhhh ...]

When the community heard about this, they come stop both parties from dueling. Desta’s group then went back to their house, while Abdi’s group still staying at Banjar Dukuh enjoyin alcoholic drink.
[Well … what can I say … alcoholic drinks have become a lifestyle in Balinese youngster …]

At about 3.30 AM, Desta’s group accidentally met again with Abdi’s group at Banjar Jabe Jati. Abdi’s group who thought that they will be attacked, come to attack Desta’s group first.
[Fu*kin moron, that’s why you should stop drinking alcohol you bloody idiots ]

And then the fight goes and injuring Bayu from Desta’s group.
[What a waste of time and energy ...]

Well, I guess Balinese people are not so simple minded anymore. This kind of things makes me wonder, how Bali would look like in the years to come. Youngsters, as the next generation of Balinese people, are not inheriting their ancestor simple minded style.

So stop talking bullshit about Ajeg Bali and that stuff if their mind set still like that.

The most important thing to do right now is to make them understand the real meaning of the Ajeg Bali. Ajeg Bali is not about selling meat ball with Bakso Krama Bali logo. If you really want to keep Bali then you must change the mind set of most of Balinese. Arggghhh … there are too many changes that happen in Bali which disturbing my mind…

I only hope that these changes will eventually end up in a good way for Bali
I can only hope because I love my Bali so much …

if it's me you need to turn to
we'll get by,
it's the heart that really matters in the end

our lives are made in these small hours
these little wonders,
these twists & turns of fate
[Rob Thomas - Little Wonders]

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