Friday, August 04, 2006

Another Tale Of Kampret Roy Suryo

After missing for quite a while, he is back again with his old habits of saying nonsense thing. This time he talks about Juwono Sudarsono’s blog-type personal website. This is the news that I found in Jawa Pos. I got the link from Enda Nasution's Blog. I try to translate it (sorry if the English is not good enough).

Pakar telematika Roy Suryo mengkritik pemilihan domain (nama) website Menhan tersebut. "Kalau belakangnya pakai com, itu perusahaan, ada kepentingan bisnis atau komersialnya. Karena itulah, kita tidak menggunakan ekstensi com untuk website presiden," ujar anggota tim khusus pengelola website kepresidenan itu.

Telematic expert, Roy Suryo, criticizes the Minister of Defense’s website name. “If a website ends with a .com, then it would be a company and there is a business and commercial interest involve in it. That’s why we don’t use the .com for the president’s website”, said by member’s of a special team to maintain the president’s website.

Lebih lanjut, Roy meminta Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi Sofyan Djalil untuk mengingatkan koleganya. "Itu tugas Pak Sofyan untuk segera mengingatkan beliau," katanya.

Furthermore, Roy asks the minister of communication and Information, Sofyan Djalil to remind his colleague. “It’s Mr. Sofyan duty to remind him”, said by Roy.
Menurut Roy, dalam dunia maya, sudah ada klasifikasi di balik pemilihan domain. Dijelaskan, jika website didesain resmi untuk informasi kenegaraan, menggunakan ekstensi domain, misalnya www. yang dipakai Departemen Luar Negeri. Untuk kepentingan pendidikan, lazimnya menggunakan ekstensi domain edu di belakang nama situs. "Jangan salah kaprah," tegasnya.
According to Roy, in the digital world, there are classifications for the domain selection. He explain that if a website was officially design for a civil or state information, then the domain should be, for example www.deplu.go.od which is used by the Department of Foreign Affair. For an education purpose usually the domain would be .edu. “Don’t get it wrong”, claimed by Roy Suryo.
Pria bergelar Kanjeng Raden Mas Tumenggung itu juga mengkritik model blog yang digunakan dalam situs Menhan. "Itu kan tidak resmi, sepatutnya sebagai pejabat publik harus menampilkan citra yang baik, termasuk dalam berkomunikasi melalui internet," ujarnya.
The man who has title Kanjeng Raden Mas Tummenggung also criticizes the blog-type which is used in the minister of defense website. “It’s an unofficial website. So, as a public servant he should be showing a good image, especially when communicating through the Internet”, said by Roy.
At the first he talks about the domain selection but in the end he talks about some good image as a public servant. What is your point mister expert in telematic. What a stupid idoiot.

Roy, please stop talking nonsense thing like this one. It’s just going to make you look like a stupid idiot in front of public. It’s a personal website, so it’s non of your business whether he use .com, .net or maybe .org. Please read this Wiki if you don't trust me. It’s all there:
The .com, .net, and .org gTLDs, despite their original different uses, are now in practice open for use by anybody for any purpose.
So please think before you made any kind of comment and do get yourself a references. There are lots of reading materials in the Internet. Well then, still thinking of you as an expert in telematic? What a big bollocks he is …

You can read about this guy everywhere in the Internet. Or you can stop at the Wiki about him, but it’s not in English.


Anonymous said...

Its a floating kind of things, so I think we can't judge such a floating comment with another floating comment. But anyway, maybe the .com is for the benefit of CTR+ENTER :)

Anonymous said...

hi roy (tm)!

Nyoman Winardi said...

My comment is not a floating one. It's based on the fact that .com, .net, or .org can be used for any kind of purpose. I read it in this Wikipedia

Anonymous said...

ga pentink...
ga usah di bahas...

btw, your inglis is veri gud mai pren!!

Nyoman Winardi said...

Wah terima kasih atas pujiannya mai pren :)

Kesel aja sih liat orang ga penting itu sok pinter dan membodohi orang dengan pendapat - pendapatnya.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roy!™

Anonymous said...

Hi ROY!™

Anonymous said...


sampeyan kalau kritik orang cek kalimatnya sendiri dong :P. Siapa tahu ada yg salah ketik. Daripada kritik orang, kok malah kena kritik sendiri.

Oh ya. Gimana nih Liverpool. Bakalan disalip Chelsea ya. He he he he.

Nyoman Winardi said...

bisa tolong dikasi tau bagian mana saya yang masih salah ketik? mohon maaf kalo ada salah ketik. saya juga masih belajar bahasa inggris kok. aniwei terima kasih atas kritiknya :D

untuk masalah liverpool, wah kayaknya adios chelsea aja deh. no future for chelsea. the future is bright and the future is definitely REDS ...

Anonymous said...

I think (this time) Roy Suryo does have a point. I mean, they made those different domain names for different purposes. Yes, people nowadays use them more freely than how it was first intended.

But we should still try to follow the convention. We should do our best to make this (cyber) world more organized, even if we have nothing to lose by not abiding to it. Indonesians, mostly, need to learn to respect rules ;)

In all fairness, I think Suryo's taking this too seriously though.. He has a point, but still managed to make himself laughable.

Funny guy, this Suryo.. :D

Nyoman Winardi said...

Yes, you are right. The “telematic expert” taking small things to seriously. LOL.

Setyagus Sucipto said...

gw nggak bisa nulis pake bahasa ingriss, jadi pake bahasa indonesia aja commentnya.

Setuju juga sih ama om bowo, kita harus belajar untuk ngikutin rule yang ada.

Kalo mau lebih bagus lagi sebenernya sistemnya harus dikit diubah, mungkin setiap mau make tld tertentu dia mesti memiliki syarat tertentu juga (kayak tld dan temen-temennya yang memerlukan dokumen tertentu).

Dan buat om roy(tm) kayaknya memang expert banget dalam hal - hal ngritik orang, dan ngasih solusi yang aneh2 :D keep fighting aja deh buat om suryo dan buat om win (dimana kau berada sekarang bro) :D

Anonymous said...

The statement in the Wiki is saying that the fact today shows that people use .com .org .net for any purpose but I agree with Bowo, that somehow it would be better if people follow a convention so that web directories can be more organized.

The Wikipedia is very much useful due to its contents wealth. However one thing to note is that there is no guarantee that a writing in the Wikipedia is precise because it can be uploaded by anyone, can be less obejective because usually it is not supported by necessary scientific references.

Unknown said...


Pakar telemetika apaan tuch!

pa Suryo Mo jadi artis ato apa Woeei
it's kinda S**CKS!!!


Anonymous said...

Gue juga gak ngerti darimana si Roy ini dapet gelar pakar telematika...
Lama-lama kerjanya dia jadi usil terhadap urusan orang lain. Smuck !

Anonymous said...

Hi Bli Nyoman
Please beware as some info in wiki also lead to vagueness, everybody, even Roy himself can list and edit an article in wiki. Some references are consider stub, as not give a clear encyclopedic coverage and could not use as a legitimate references. We could refer to cited journal to be more precise
...but yes, you're right we all hate KMRTR !

Anonymous said...

i bet he doesn't even know what is telematic really is... he's shouldn't titled with 'telematics expert'. he suit more with title mr. nude pics commentator..

Anonymous said...

ganyang roy suryo!!

Anonymous said...

Hey :( thats not fair

He HAS to say SOMETHING he knows...
How does he supposed to know that .com is not restricted to commercial
and how does he supposed to know that there's something called wikipedia in the first place...

He has to comment on something otherwise he disappear.

Anything at all.

After a comment on Dedy Corbuzier, I think he's preparing to uncover how the magician at my daughter's b'day teleported a coin from right hand to left hand.

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